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Classification of network switches

Author: Date:2017/4/7 14:27:26
The switch can be roughly divided into two types, WAN switches and LAN switches. WAN switches in the telecommunications area to use more for the communication platform; and LAN switches in the region to use more, mainly to connect some terminal equipment. From the network composition point of view, the network switch can be divided into access layer switches, convergence layer switches and core layer switches. According to the transmission medium and speed of the switch, LAN switches can be subdivided into Ethernet switches, Fast Ethernet switches, Gigabit Ethernet switches, FDDI switches and ATM switches and other. According to the size of the switch to use, it can be divided into enterprise, departmental, workgroup switches and so on. The characteristics of the switch is different, the technician in turn the LAN switch is divided into rack, with expansion slot fixed configuration and without expansion slot fixed configuration. If the OSI seven-layer network model to divide, the switch can be divided into the first second third to the seventh floor of the different levels of the switch. If the switch is manageable to the points, the switch can be divided into manageable and manageable switches. To the application point of view, it can be divided into telephone switches and data switches. From the exchange of the frame when the operation of the different patterns can be divided into storage and forward-looking. Network switches are classified in a variety of ways, and these are just a few of them.